R01 Award

Our project titled “A causal framework of communicative participation in people with Parkinson’s disease” has been funded by an NIH R01 Award. This project investigates conversation challenges for people with Parkinson’s disease and identifies hypothesis-driven treatment targets to effectively improve conversation. The Co-Is supporting this project are: Tyson Barrett, Visar Berisha, and Julie Liss.

Parkinson’s Foundation Award

We have received an Impact Award from the Parkinson’s Foundation for our project examining the combined effects of speaker and listener treatment approaches on intelligibility outcomes for people with Parkinson’s disease. This work is in collaboration with Kaity Lansford (PI) and Tyson Barrett (Co-I).

F31 Fellowship

Human Interaction Lab Ph.D. student, Camille Wynn, has been awarded an NIH F31 predoctoral fellowship (Sponsor: Borrie). Her project will investigate conversational entrainment and interaction success in typically-developing adolescent conversations and in conversations of adolescents with ASD. Exciting work to come!

NIH Award

The NIH has funded our R21 project on perceptual training of dysarthric speech. We will identify speaker and listener parameters that allow training paradigms to be optimized for intelligibility outcomes in dysarthria rehabilitation. This work is in collaboration with Kaitlin Lansford (CoPI) and Tyson Barrett (CoI).

NIH Award

The NIH has funded our R21 project on the application of ideal binary masking to dysarthria speech. We will investigate the use of signal processing techniques to overcome speech-in-noise difficulties for listeners (with and without hearing loss) understanding dysarthria. This work is in collaboration with Sarah Yoho Leopold (PI).

ASHA Award

Camille Wynn, a PhD student in the Human Interaction Lab, was recently awarded $10,000 through the ASHFoundation New Century Doctoral Scholarship. This is a highly competitive national award designed to support strong doctoral candidates who have demonstrated academic excellence.


Human Interaction Lab graduate student, Michelle Parker, presented at the Psychonomics conference in Vancouver on her work examining listener impressions of vocal fry in American women. She did a great job and generated lots of interest in this work! Dr. Borrie gave a talk at the same conference on generalized adaptation to disordered speech.

Parker & Borrie, in press

We have a new paper coming out in the Journal of Voice. This paper is based on work led by graduate student, Michelle Parker. The study examines how the use of vocal fry in the speech of young American women influences listener judgements of speaker intelligence and likeability by taking into account the surrounding acoustic-prosodic context. Michelle will also be presenting on this work at the Psychonomics conference in Vancouver later this year.